Information Security Policy

EventHub Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) operates an event management service business. The information assets, including customer information, handled by the Company are considered extremely important. Protecting this information is a core foundation of our company. The Company recognizes the importance of protecting information assets from risks such as leakage, damage, and loss. All individuals who handle information assets, including officers and employees, will comply with this policy. The Company has implemented standard practices to maintain information security such as confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information assets.


Policy Overview


1. The Company has established information security policies and related rules and regulations to protect information assets and will comply with regional laws, regulations, and norms of our customers related to information security, and contractual obligations with customers.


2. The Company will clarify the criteria for analyzing and evaluating risks such as leakage, damage, and loss of information assets, establish a systematic risk assessment method, and conduct regular risk assessments. The Company will implement necessary and appropriate security measures based on the results.


3. The Company will establish an information security system centered on responsible officers and clarify the authority and responsibility for information security. All employees will recognize the importance of information security and conduct regular education, training, and awareness-raising to ensure the appropriate handling of information assets.


4. The Company will conduct regular inspections and audits on compliance with information security policies and the handling of information assets, and promptly take corrective measures for any deficiencies or improvement items found.


5. The Company will take appropriate measures for events and incidents related to information security, establish procedures to minimize damage in advance, and promptly respond and take appropriate corrective measures if they occur. In particular, The Company will ensure business continuity of our company by establishing a framework for managing incidents related to business interruptions and conducting regular reviews.


6. The Company has established an information security management to achieve the objectives of this policy, which will be reviewed and improved on a regular basis.


EventHub K.K.
Rie Yamamoto, CEO
September 1st, 2020